Interzone report of July 21st 2002

Previous report of June

French version


  Hi all,

Solace gave an account of these events in the club; they were both choked. He could not eat nor sleep , felt guilty for calling the ambulance, and could not stand to be accused of a crime he did not commit . The pressure was so strong that he flew away to England. Grape is shocked.

This happened in Pickens County , where it comes out that the police is used to this kind of behavior.

This is not the first time people in the Zone living in US are relating prejudices they suffered from the police, when they had not committed any crime nor done anything to anybody. It is edifying to see how US citizens are treated in their own country, and full of teachings for the citizens of other countries, who can confront the image US gives of itself in the rest of the world, with the facts actually happening. For those citizens, the "American dream " has turned into a nightmare.

Meetings in Ruigoord :

I have been 3 days to Ruigoord, where I met for the first time Rasta Robert . Rasta is in the Zone since the start and we have been corresponding since 5 years. He also is familiar with Ruigoord as he started to give his first didjeridu concerts there when he was still a teen-ager.

I brought a dreamachine which will stay there.

I also interviewed Grazyna, Hans Plomp's girl-friend, who cured herself from leukemia in finding ways to restore health. She is correcting it and adding references, and it will be ready next month.

We shall go to the festival, from 22nd to 25th August. Rasta will give a concert: he is planning to make some tapes with binaural beats for acoustical brainwave entertainment and with planetary tones for use with the dream machine in a darkened tent during the festival, also at some times will be playing live sounds with didjeridu and there also will be someone playing Tibetan singing bowls. Patrice will be there too. If anybody wants to come, let me know.

Real estate:

Concerning Patrice's house in France, which he wants to dedicate to a community aim , we are going to visit it in August. At the moment , the most of it is still rented; a small flat is unoccupied, as well as a big attic and three small rooms. This might be the start of a real physical Zone. :) More next month.

Zone's sites :

A poem by Max Schwartz: There Always Time for Love

Dalton Vrij "Thought Criminal" : Keep on dancing... "Thank You Prince of Space" Evening Gatha:

The following pages have been updated:

The Western Lands:


The news since the latest report are on line at :

News of June:

News of July:

 In the other Zoners' sites : (see the details in the news pages)

Shuhei Higashi music at ftp://pubuser:foe4foeagogo@

Sune Nielsen From today 1. July 2002 you can see/hear the piece "Når vi taler om lys og skygge", by Sune T. B. Nielsen at

Teleferique <> Radio robots

Sound 23 23Media Sound23 Collective at

dr_benway_tangier Burroughs Please visit my yahoo group dedicated to William S. Burroughs. I have MP3's and Photo's. Please check out my site

This report now is on line at; the French version will be on line in some days at

Take good care. Love. 


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