Interzone report of March 21st 2000

Chiki and Shuhei made a program to get the interzone reports and news by E-mail :

Hi all,

I'm back in Poitiers here and have been active in several directions. Here are the results of our activities of this month

1 Project of 2 - 3 months expo in Poitiers :

I have just been meeting today an animator of a house of youth and culture in the center of Poitiers, "Le Local", for a project of expo . Here is the account :

I presented a summing up of our activities and productions, and the girl is interested by our use of the net, by the diversity of our activities, and proposes to make a 2 - 3 months expo from October to December 2000.

They have place for expo (paintings, photos), concerts, video system, rooms for conferences, though the place is not very big, but enough to make good work.

The room for concerts can welcome 220 people standing up, or 150 on chairs. As it's not very comfortable, they do not ask more than 50 Fr

They pay for the invitations and vernisages. And the use of the space is free. They also pay money to performers, lecturers, etc. . (you have to say how much you ask for your performance). But they cannot pay for the plane for artists coming from other countries.

The girl propose that for the groups from abroad, we make a video projection of concerts in direct through Internet and transmit them in the Local on big screens. We can also make meetings in chat rooms and communicate with the people in direct in the place.

She is ok for expos of paintings and photos, just requires that there is an harmony between them.

OK as well for lectures and conferences on different themes : dreamachine, cut-ups and synchronicities, general semantics, etc...

She also said that they are interested in keeping in touch after the expo, and keep on working together : for instance they can send a group of kids to US to meet performers, keep in touch through the net, etc., which I'm ok with as far as I'm concerned. Let me know what you think.

After a first consultation of performers in the Zone, 6 people are already interested in being part of it : Allan Cronin and Foe in US, Ramuntcho Matta, Pierre Belouin and a group of the school of the Beaux Arts in Paris. We have enough paintings , illustrations, photos, for a 3 months expo If you want to participate or come and work at it, thanks for letting me know during the following weeks : I'll meet the girl again on April 13th, so we can start to order the different activities.I must evaluate the expo on the financial level and give her an approximative cost.

For the accomodation, there is a youth hostel where the groups who come generally stay at, and a house for 10 people with alternate beds. We can also see to rent a big house during the time of the expo and share the rent, which would be cheap, and more comfortable. This could be our first experiment of a physical academy . I'm gonna ask if the municipality could lend us an empty building for this. The people there look very openned and it seems that we can work with them.

Vincent already knows the people there , he has been working with them already on video, and he will be part of it and help to get things organized as he did last year for the expo on the dreamachine in March.

So these are new directions coming. I hope that we can have a lot of fun here.

Subscription for the expo : association :

Some of you who will be part of the expo live far abroad. I propose that we put up something to help for the plane ticket for the ones who do not earn money (students), or are broke. For this, we can make an association and ask for a subscription of 100 fr a year ($15), which would help to pay a part of some plane tickets. The rest would be used to the physical place . At the express condition that this would not be an obligation at all to be part of the Zone, which has to remain free. So only people who want to support other Zoners in this project and can make it financially would subscribe.

For the association, I can ask the people of house and culture, they know about this sort of things. If you agree with this let me know, and also if you want to be part of the bureau of the association : I cannot be president, otherwise I loose my RMI, but can be secretary. Better not putting me as the treasurer, as I'm hopeless with numbers.

How to use this time ?

Two or three months is a long time : we can use it to make a Nova Convention 2 about the young generation on Burroughs and Beat that was required last month (see report of February ), and make a first attempt of common physical organization .and academy. Any idea welcome.

2. Economical organization :

The pages on the research in economy have been updated and corrected . One more has been added : see the results in the pages : I New data on money: what are we talking about exactly ?

II Application of those data in the context of the Zone

III Proposition to experiment a zone of free exchange: how to win money in spending it

In French : I Nouvelles données sur l'argent: de quoi parlons-nous exactement ?

II Application de ces données dans le contexte de la Zone

III Proposition d'expérimentation d'une zone de libre échange: comment gagner de l'argent en en dépensant

My concern here is to find a financial organization which can be profitable to the Zoners themselves, allowing to eat with our work, which is the minimum one can expect. The aim is not to make profit : we are all more or less broke except some exceptions. People are fed up, looking for ways to get rid of chitty jobs and a way of life adapted to us.
Due to the nature of the group, internationality on the net allows means which are not possible otherwise, and have not been explored yet, as the classical sellers use classical financial methods, reproducing the ones of the physical world.

Now if we make obvious the rules of the financial world and destructurate them :
, we got to restructurate in finding something else to work better instead, I mean better for us people. So these are not academic questions, they concern our life here and now.

We got data which other people have not got, and it seems they can be useful here, so let's try them and see what comes
out of it. I have no ideology, no belief , think that ready made models do not fit. I try to apply a scientific step
based upon observation of the facts, We cannot start from the ready made theorical models, but can start from the facts : our actual needs, our respective means and possibilities, and our desires. Rather than adapting ourselves to models, let's adapts the models to us.

3. The hotel and physical place :

The hotel de Paris which I looked last year has been recently sold. There is another one for sale in the same street, better situation, good condition (no work out of wallpapers and carpets), and still working. But the business is for sale 300 000 fr, and the walls are as well, but with the business. The price of the walls has not been evaluated yet , but it should be more or less around 600 000 fr.

The problem if we get a hotel is that it's a hell of a work, requires people to make it run correctly. Untill now, we have been only 2 people ok to work in it, which is not enough. It requires minimum 4 people, and there is possible work for 7 people if the place works well.

There also are questions of immigration if Zoners living out of Europe want to come and work, they have to get a long permit visa.

So we have to foresee a formula we can realize; getting a hotel would be definitely great , but we got to be able to make it correctly. At the moment we are not.

Another simple possibility, if a number of people want to make it, would be to rent a place in sharing the rent, run it with the association, with an alternative cafe, place for expos, and rooms which would remain private and would be used as accomodations for the Zoners to come. This would be cheap, easy to put up and to stop when we want to. If it works then and we want to go on, we might foresee to buy a place where to make an academy.

But future will say : may be the expo can bring connections here to get a place.

4. Books :

* Agent 1914 is having a novella published, "Dean O'Leary's Last Chance",

* The Editions de l'Eclat publish Michael Stutz 's philosophic texts in French under the title : " Libres enfants du savoir numérique" . It's up at

5. Music :

6. Galeries:

Galeries : galeries of Zoners 's paintings

Jalal Sazeli :

Galeries in Yahoo clubs : See the photo galeries by Grovetta, Alchemickal, Jazzresin, Nova Terata, Amy Balot, Jonathan , Leah Sublime, and more , in the following Yahoo clubs :

7. New pages :

The Western Lands have been updated, the front page modified.

Chiki and Shuhei made a program to get the interzone reports and news by E-mail :

You can find new texts :

In Interzone Academy

Galeries: galeries of Zoners 's paintings

Sazeli Jalal 's collection : , &

Catalogue of Interzone Productions : updated at

Economy: I New data on money: what are we talking about exactly ?

II Application of those data in the context of the Zone

III Proposition to experiment a zone of free exchange: how to win money in spending it

In French : I Nouvelles données sur l'argent: de quoi parlons-nous exactement ?

II Application de ces données dans le contexte de la Zone

III Proposition d'expérimentation d'une zone de libre échange: comment gagner de l'argent en en dépensant

In other Zoner's site :

* Rick Gentry : 'words appearing in a dream of william burroughs'- robert rauschenberg

enter to disappear

merde :

war in heaven/the invisible college


Family Tree


* Justin crayola wand ! a new series. for the first episode of crayola wand !

* Ramuntcho Matta :> Home page :

* Shuhei 'Music responds to the words' Dub_Subroza = man_moony (Live)


Ra: offering (dance otherwise - space is da place mix)

foe4foe presents Dub Subroza "Now you can purchase legendary foe4foe mixes for only $5.99. If you are qualified to become a member of you may be able to get it for free. Please visit: or for CD purchase go directly to"

* Littlemute; Home page:

* Lisa Lovebucket <>Party Website at

* Patrick Bernier <> : Cam_and_Chat organisé en direct conjointement sur : et le canal #atelierenreseau (

* Pierre Belouin <> Extrait sonore du film de Brigitte Cornand ( amie des artistes ):"Est-ce que le son est bon?" THE POETS (Bernard Heidsiek, Brion Gysin, William Burroughs, Ramuntcho Matta, John Giorno)

* Michael Stutz <>"Libres enfants du savoir numérique", by the Editions de l'Eclat,

* Ludovic Burel> <> API: Ludovic has been invited by French minister of culture on March 19th 2000 . See :

* Agent 1914: ;

* ctgr : :

* Reynald Drouhin : : Rhizomes :

8. The Zone's services :

 E-mail of Interzone doc : ; Common E-mail: Interzone 23 : (for the password, write to

The Yahoo clubs :

This report will be on the web at
Between two monthly reports, see the news, regularly updated, at :

Every 23rd of each month : in the chat Interzone Coffee House:
See the world clock at :

Much thanks for you great work, creations, ideas, mails, etc. Have a wonderful spring !

Love to all.

Report of April 2000 (English) Rapport d'Avril 2000 (français)

For the previous reports since August 1997, go to

Informations on Interzone "The Time of the Naguals" New rubrics in other Zoner's sites

Zone's rubrics  General Semantics Human rights Medical research Philosophy Non-ordinary levels of reality
