Wayne Propst
in association with

Rod Pitman Presents

William S. Burroughs

William Seward Burroughs was born in St. Louis in 1914. His many books include NAKED LUNCH, THE SOFT MACHINE, THE TICKET THAT EXPLODED, NOVA EXPRESS, and THE WILD BOYS. He was a member of the American Academy of Arts & Letters. He "left" Lawrence Kansas in August, 1997.

Burroughs friend and videographer Wayne Propst captured William S. Burroughs on camera the last couple of years Wild Bill was this side of the Pecos. James Grauerholz, William's lontime manager, editor and now executor of the
Burroughs estate, brings his sage council to the project as we seek direction.

Initially Rod Pitman was concerned that Wayne's images needed to have a sound re-mix, then catalogued prior to being transfered digitally in an effort to preserve them for posterity. It quickly became apparent that in addition to not only being rich but also a rare content, the images might be developed into a unique Burroughsesque "cut-up" Docu-dramedy.

The format of the original media naturally lends itself to the internet as well as documentary programing. A collection of various images could easily be made available via distribution on DVD.

Wayne and Rod put forth the proposition of creating a forum for this "work in progress" which would utilize Wayne's images as a point of reference from which to create. With zero funding, over two years in development, with a
"stick and carrot" from Brian Kern, the Cat Cam, Live from the Westernlands, officially went on-line January 25, 2002.

Brett Eichenberger provided his editing talents to "net ready" the clips, Luke Sales of DeepeningBuffet.com and Richard Sales of Glasswing.com were kind and generous enough to lend their time, talents, and temporary server space to provide an alpha/beta template page to house five clips which would be the initial point of reference for this little adventure. More permanent server space including the availability of larger pipes is currently being sought if anyone has any ideas.

We are urging everyone to contribute their vision of the evolution of the Cat Cam site in an effort to make it both informative as well as entertaining. Stephen Perkin's [Jane's Addiction] band BANYAN has made a music bed available for your listening pleasure while you post your comments and suggestions to the DISCUSSION BOARD.

Please come visit our site and let us know where you envision it going from here. You will find the page located at;


Be sure and have an updated version of Windows media player or the clips may not play correctly. You will find a Windows Media Player FREE download on the TelepresenceNetwork.com page http://telepresencenetwork.com/


The Wild Bunch

contact info: rodpitman@hotmail.com
(503) 920-8881 United States

The Western Lands - Les Terres Occidentales - Interzone Academy - Interzone Creations - Interzone Library