Something to take your mind off whatever it's stuck on....

agent 1914


Sat. night sitting at the coffee joint. Free coffee has a very powerful pull on yours truly. I finally wrestled sleep into submission around 9AM. So now I am in a caffeine-drenched NiGhTmArE with the brackish and piously lofty tunes of store-bought jazz hour parading like Macy's Day floats over and under America's sentimentality and reluctance to reach for anything in history, much less in life, except nostalgia. All we recognize is the past. Essential human mindset is fixed on the past. I think humanity collectively understands that it does not exist. The present the future and especially the past do NOT exist.they never have.

Animation in this universe is energy transfer. Entities not blessed with the proper energy transfer level are confined_bound_to watch the animated world all around, running through its every molecule.and lying paralyzed. Dante's ninth concentric circle and the Hindu rhetoric of reincarnation.lie bare and lamented as grievous understatements.

"You were a bad energizer bunny my friend. Manymany perpetrations against the concept of collective cooperation."
All we want is cooperation.
"Bad energizer bunny. you get to be a rock next time.yeah .the one that neighborhood pets kindly refer to as a receptacle for their evacuatory reflexes."

What's a boy to do?

where was i.[?]

The past represents nothing. It is not tangible in any way shape or form. Memories, whether constructed five minutes ago or five trillion years ago, are replicas of singular events that may or may not be repeated. As they say. when the moment's's really gone. It's gone and you are graced with your mind's feeble attempt through its own energy transfer to recreate reality. We will never be responsible for reproducing sentient life. AI may accomplish it some day, but it certainly will not be by our hands. They will evolve on their own, as they do now. Sentient entities.
Regardless, we are poorpoor guides to steer a species of intelligence through the processes of gaining consciousness. Look at us, and we had the EARTH. They get us. Development of artificial intelligence certainly signifies the beginning of extinction for the human race. Nature has changed her plans behind our back.and ambush if you will. What is all technology inherently based on. Reproduction of an action that requires energy transfers as the basis of their entire being.not unlike a sunflower. The virus is a universal entity. Technology is as much a part of nature as the very vessels lining my forearm, carrying my essence to-and-fro at lightning is a mockery and interpretation of nature. Nature is all we know. Nature just changed her fatigues. We are unnecessary to this planet, and we must .never mind.brick wall .in the face.

Just try to behave yourselves in the mean time. We are all going out, but we will not go without a fight.

Back to time.
The present does not exist either. Let me explain why. It is an easy and certainly logical insinuation that the present must exist for any of us to even configure something as maddening as the concepts of past present and future. In order for the present to exist our mind must register it and have the ability to reproduce [a completely separate energy transfer] to form memory. Reality changes in way and at speeds our fragile minds could NEVERdreamOFunderstandingfathomingORwitnessing EVER.
We're not ready.
The nanosecond that an entity is aware of reality in all of its naked aggression they will gaze upon time as it truly is. Nothing. Flowing in and out of one another in their incessant macabre dance of trinity. [3]

--intertwined feeding on one another without hesitation of complete synchronicity--

must we
of the future?
The future is now.
You never see it coming.
And it always does.
The movement of all is a fluid motion of past present and future simultaneously.

[3] trinity. god. Past. jesus. Future. His role revolves around fulfillment of prophecy. Jesus' gig is future tense. I'm doing this; I'm doing that. the holy spirit represents the present. Each singular event in reality receives his very special attention. Omnipresence is the disruption of time. The concept of present is the key to the last set of locked doors. Doors that prevent us from moving. Up down, wrong, right.moral? We no longer need unified interpretations of what other's are trying to slip into your consciousness. Eradicate any evidence of the 'present' and you annihilate no longer exists.


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